Calendar: 1891-1892 Page 138
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134 GENERAL LITERATURE Names of Prizemen 1866 Rebsch Charles Stulpnagel 1866 Grace Henry 1868 Perks B-obert William 1869 Wood George 1870 Bat Joseph Numa Curry Matthew 1871 Jupp Herbert Basil 1873 Warren William 1875 Harrold Ernest Eyston 1876 Hobson Thomas Frederick 1877 Shaw George Watson 1879 Trewby Donald 1880 Panton Richard Brooke 1881 Macpherson William Charters 1882 Nash Percy Augustus 1883 Whittingham Wralter Godfrey 1884 Sowerby Thomas Herbert 1885 Balleine Arthur Edwin 1886 Hendrick James 1887 Mathew Frank James 1889 Whittington Richard 1890 Pope Edward Valle 1891 Sargent Arthur John General Rules Candidates for the "Carterי' and uStephenמ Prizes must deliver their Compositions to the Secretary before two o'clock on Saturday June 11 1892 They are advised to have their Exercises copied by type-writer The author of each Exercise is required to conceal his name and to distinguish his composition by some motto sending in at the same time his name sealed up under cover bearing the same motto The friends of the Rev John Sherren Brewer Μ Α late Professor of English Literature and Modern History have
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