Calendar: 1891-1892 Page 126
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Page content
122 GENERAL LITERATURE י TIME-TABLE Normal Department Chapel Daily 10-10 15 First Year Second Year Monday 10 20-11 40 40- 30- 30 30- 30 30- 30 Mathematics Physics English Geography French Physics Mathematics English French Geography Tuesday 10 20-11 40 11 40-12 30 11 40- 15- 15 30- 15 15- 15- 30 45 --6 Latin Mathematics Modern History JRecitation and Drawing Latin Latin JRecitation and Modern History Music Drawing Wednesday 10 20-11 40 11 40-12 45 15- 30 2-3 30 Mathematics School Management Divinity Private Study Physics Mathematics Divinity Logic Criticism Lessons Thursday 10 20-11 40 11 40-1 30- 30 30- 30 30- 30 30 Mathematics Physics English French Music Drawing ן Physics Mathematics EngLsh School Management French Drawing Friday 10 20-11 40 11 40- 30- 15 15- 15 30- 30 Latin School Management Modern History Criticism Lessons Latin Mathematics Private Study Modern History Saturday 10 20-11 30 11 30- Private Study School Management School Management Private Study
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