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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1891-1892-120

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110 GENERAL LITERATURE The rule as to inability to compete lor an ordinary prize will not apply to Matriculated Students of other Morning Departments attending Classes in this Department Morning Any Occasional Student will be allowed to attend lectures on Religious Instruction without fee on applicatio to the Principal or the Vice-Principal VI The fees of each Department are given under separate heading but Matriculated Student of any Morning Department can attend any Class in another Department on payment of half the specified fees VII limited number of Students are admitted to resid within the College see page 599 and some of the Sta as well as others connected with the College receive Student in their houses See page 004 VIII Dinner is provided in the College Hall every day Six o'clock for such Students as may wish to avail them selves of this accommodation See page 605 IX The General Library is open daily to all Students fo the purposes of study See Regulations page 598 IV THE ASSOCIATESHIP Every Candidate for this distinction Must have ular in his attendance at tl Divi Lectures and must have passed the periodica Examinations in this subject satisfactorily Exemption from this rule will be granted in th case of Foreigners on request from their Parent or Guardians to the Principal II Must have pursued his studies as Matriculate Student of this Department for nine Terms This period is reduced to six Terms in the case those who have passed three Terms previously 11 the Department of the Applied Sciences or wh have passed two years previously in King's Colleg School and had spent at least one Term in th
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