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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1890-1891-701

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report xxxix Α The Theological Department maintains its average number of students and is in all respects in satisfactory condition The General Literature Department shows slight increase in the number of matriculated students but it cannot be expected to recover its former position until by the development of Teaching University in London the students of the Department enjoy the advantages to which they are entitled in such University Together with University College King's College has during the past year united with the Imperial Institute in forming joint school for Oriental Languages and Studies -The Science Department is still in its infancy having only been definitely established last year and is also dependent for its due development upon the settlement of the University Question י Ό -The Engineering Department is in prosperous and promising condition The modifications in the work of the Department which were referred to in the Report of 1888-9 have already proved advantageous and the further modifica- tions which are now in course of being carried into practical effect including the establishment of Chair of Electrical Engineering will it is confidently anticipated largely increase the efficiency of the Department and enable it to meet the requirements of advanced technical knowledge It is understood that the Council of the Surveyors' Insti- tution are arranging to grant special Diplomas in surveying for appointments to Colonial Surveyorships and that the course of training in this Department would be suitable for the examination for these Diplomas The Syllabus is in course of revision in order that the first and second year courses may complete the preliminary training of the students leaving the third year for the students to follow any special branch of engineering that they may intend to take up in after life This will result it is expected in augmenting the number of third year students which hitherto has been but small at the same time
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