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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1890-1891-659

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SCHOOLS IN UNION Western Grammar Sciiooi FOUNDED 1828 This School stands in Alexander Square Bromptou Patron he Eight Hon Earl of Cadogan Preside71t The Rev Blunt ALA Reetor of St Luke's Chelsea Head Master Ε Huelin Esq Second Master Robinson Esq London This School is situated in the immediate vicinity of the South Kensington Museum and provides systematic course of practical Instruction intended to prepare the Pupils fur general and mercantile pursuits and for the various Public Professional and Competitive Examinations The subjects of Study comprise Instruction in the Holy Scripturee the Greek Latin English French and German Languages Mathematics and the Elements of Physical Science Arith- luetic Drawing Writing and Book Keeping Histon Geography and English Composition FEES For Pupils under Ten Years of Age £2 per Term Twelve 10 above
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