Calendar: 1890-1891 Page 623
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U א IV Κ US IΤ Υ DISTINCTI NS AT MATRICULATION Honours Division 1805 Wyand Benjamin John 18 38 Boyd John Fwart Edwatf Lyall John Matheson Philpot Joseph Henry Baber Κdward Cresswell 1869 Sweet Charles Champion Francis Coverley Hetlev Henry Batterbury George Henry Fyffe Kbenezer Thomas Edwards William Douglas Perks Robert William Cheale Sidney Alexander 1870 Scott Robert Forsyth Fiaxman Samuel Boulter Upjohn William Henry Gover William Henry Ratcliff Thomas William 1871 Brown William Scott James George 1872 Jude Richard Henry Harrison Richard Stewart 1573 Stone Alfred Fenner George Hamilton 1574 Wilson Joseph Kershaw Neale William llenrv Hobson Thomas Frederick 1575 Cross Charles Frederick Low Frederick Bernard 187G Hamilton William Frederick Gover Arthur Sutton Whitmore Frank Bel worthy 1877 Tomlin Charles Ed ward Prize Mathews George Frederick Β
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