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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1890-1891-526

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5 Γ THE SCHOOL The special subject of study in this Division is Mathc- niatics The regular course of instruction includes also Knsdisb History and Literature French German Physical and Political Geography Geology Chemistry Electricity and Magnetism and Freehand Drawing Latin and Geometrical Drawing may be substituted for some of the above subjects when such instruction is preferred Lectures in English Literature are given to the Upper Sixth Form by Professor Hales Lectures in Chemistry are given to the Upper Forms by Mr Johnson and Elementary Lectures in Physics to the Lower Forms by Mr II Tomlinson Β Δ The Commercial Division This Division is intended to prepare Pupils for Mercantile life for the higher Mercantile course in the General Literature Department in King's College for Clerkships in the Home Civil Service and similar appointments The special subjects of study in this Division are French and German which are taught colloquially as well aa grammatically and include Commercial Correspondence If desired Spanish and Italian are taught as subjects of Private Tuition The regular course of instruction includes also Commercial and Industrial Geography and History Arithmetic Book- keeping Precis Writing English Writing Drawing and Shorthand Boys in the Upper Forms may attend the Lectures on Chemistry by Mr Johnson and those in the Lower Forms the Elementary Lectures in Physics by Mr 11 Tonilinson Boys in this Division may receive instruction if desired in higher Mathematics and in Elementary Political Economy
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