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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1890-1891-516

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016 CIVIL SERVICE CLASSICS FEMALE TELEGRAPH LEADERSHIPS AND FEMALE SORTERSHIPS IN THE POST-OFFICE Hours of Attendance Saturday to and Wednesday 45 to 45 Fees -One attendance per week on Saturday 12s Gd for six weeks period £1 2s for twelve weeks Two attend- anccs per week £1 for six weeks period £1 16s for twelve weeks cloak-room is provided for ladies The Secretary's Office is always open for the receipt of fees from 10 to Saturdays 10 to and is open on admission days from 30 to Fees will in all eases date from the last regular admission and are payable in adrance The Subjects of Examination for Female Telegraph Learnerships are Writing from Dictation Handwriting Arithmetic easy sums in the first four rules Geography of the United Kingdom The Subjects of Examinations for Female Sorterships are Reading and copying MS Handwriting Spelling Arith- metic first four rules simple and compound Geography of the United Kingdom Books required Geography of the British Isles Philip and Son Is 66 Spelling Vocabulary Chambers 6J King's College Tots 66 to be had at the College by Students only Bartholomew's Elementary Atlas Macmillan le Female Telegraph Learners receive after three months instruction 10s per week rising through grades to 34s &c Candidates must be unmarried and between 15 and 18 years of age Female Sorters receive 12s per week increasing to 20s with chance of further promotion by merit Candidates must he unmarried between 15 and 18 years of age and at least ft 10 in in height without boots Inquiries respecting this class should be addressed to the Secretary King College Strand or to Mr Harcourt Fernwood House Lansdowne Road South Wood- ford
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