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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1890-1891-306

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304 ΜΚΡΙ 'ΛΙ ΡΕΓΛΚΐΜΕΧΤ The Winter Examinations will begin on Monday March 10 91 The names 01 Candidates must be sent in writing to the Dean of the Medical Department before two o'clock on Thursday March 12 after which hour no names trill be received The Summer Examinations Will begin on Monday July 13 18 Names to be sent in before one o'clock on Monday July Names of Scholars For theNamesof those elected pr eoiouslij to 18C6 see the Calendar for Ι8Γ 1806 Richards William Alsept Senior Garrod Alfred Henry Second year Cotterill Alfred Hoar Charles Eduard Junior Torrey George Ernest 1867 Garrod Alfred Henry Senior Cotterill Alfred Second year Lyell Robert Wish art Warner Francis Junior Rowland George Le Hunt 1868 Hoar Charles Edward Senior Lyell Robert Wishart Second year Briggs George Chapman ju1j0r Blyth Alexander Wynter 101 1869 Cotterill Alfred Senior Blyth Alexander Wynter Second year Philpot Joseph Henry Duncan Andrew Junior Bom ford Gerald
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