Calendar: 1890-1891 Page 295
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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 293 This Scholarship can be held with any other College Scholarship or Exhibition Names of Scholars 1885 Sandifer Henry Stephen 1886 Savcll Arthur Robert 1887 Warner Thomas 1889 Bryett William Robert 1890 Jacob Frank Harwood Sonmbroofce CBxIjtbttfons Two Exhibitions are given annually one of £60 and one of £40 out of the interest accruing from the legacy left to the College by the late Thomas Godfrey Sambrooke Esq The Examination is held in October and the Exhibitions are open to all Matriculated Students at the commencement of either their Preliminary Science or Medical course but any Student who joins the College in the preceding Summer Session may compete The following are the subjects of examination Mathematics Arithmetic Algebra -As far as and including Quadratic Equations together with Propor- tion and Arithmetical and Geo metrical Progression Geometry -The first four books of Euclid or the subjects thereof Elementary Physics -As for Preliminary Science Examination of the University of London Inorganic Chemistry with practical qualitative analysis Botany with practical examination Zoology with practical examination
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