Calendar: 1890-1891 Page 267
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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 263 Leathes Jelf Todd and Tanner Prizes and for all Hospital appointments Those of them who have already held Out- patients'appointments as Clinical Clerks and Dressers for periods of six months at recognized Hospital or Medical School certificates of which must be produced will not be required to serve similar offices at King's College Hospital but will be allowed to compete at once for In-patient Clerkships and Dresserships Each Student before Matriculation must produce atesti- monial of good moral character and when admitted by the Principal must subscribe his name to Declaration that he will conform to all such Rules and Regulations as may from time to time be made for the good government of the College under the sanction and authoritv of the Council ×™ II Occasional Students or those who enter to one or more particular Classes Every Class is open to such Students on payment of the prescribed amount of fees see page 267 They have the privilege of competing for Class Prizes and Certificates The year is divided into two Sessions The Winter Session will begin October and terminate March 26 The Summer Session will begin May and terminate July 24 No one can be admitted into this Department under the age of sixteen except by the special permission of the Principal There is short vacation at Christmas extending from the day before Christmas Day to the day after New Year's Day inclusive Ash Wednesday Ascension Day Whitsun Monday the days appointed for the celebration of the Queen's birthday and the Prince of Wales's birthday are kept as Holidays The Students of each Class are examined at regular intervals throughout the Session there are also Scholarship and Prize Examinations at the close of each Session
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