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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1890-1891-255

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medical department 251 mpurities the examination and Analysis of Waters and the letection of adulterations in Foods Drugs &c Fee for Matriculated Students £5 5β and for Occasional Student £6 68 Students preparing for the Sanitary Science Examinations ire advised to devote longer time in the Laboratory For Pees see Analytical Chemistry 267 22 Psychological Medicine Course of Lectures on Psychological Medicine will be lelivered during the Summer Session and Demonstration on Mental cases are regularly given at the City of London Asylum 23 Clinical Therapeutics Course of Lectures is given to Third and Fourth Year Students in the Hospital on this subject 24 Comparative Pathology and Bacteriology For particulars of instruction see page 256 27 Tutors It is the duty of the Tutors to assist by instruction and examination all Students resident and non-resident in the subjects of their examinations No extra fees are charged for these classes Names In Chemistry Herbert Jackson In Physics Herroun In Medicine East In Surgery Cheatle
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