Calendar: 1890-1891 Page 199
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ENGINEERING 105 preceding exercises are combined and which will also include the construction of Patterns and Core-boxes ready to be moulded from in the Foundry III Second Year Students are divided into Classes at the commencement of Michaelmas Term and are instructed in Metal work and Moulding In the Fitting-Shop they go through course of exercises in chipping and filing and getting up plane surfaces by the AYhitworth method and in the Foundry they are instructed in the arts of moulding and of casting in iron and in brass In the Lent Term Second Year Students will be asjain divided for instruction in Smith's work which will he given alternately with specified set of Exercises in Metal-turning and Machine-tool work commencing with the use of hand- turning tools and screw-chasing tools In Easter Term Students areinstructed in the art of working in Sheet Metals and Soldering and after having attained work- manlike proficiency in all the above branches of handicraft to the satisfaction of the Superintendent they are permitted to enter upon the construction of complete machines draw- ingSj and patterns of which are provided for the use of Students IV Third Year Students continue the Construction of the machines which they have already commenced at the termi- nation of their Second Year and may proceed with Models in illustration of the different contrivances used in Practical Mechanics and Manufactures and in experiments on the strength of material and of structues such as arches beams and girders designed drawn and executed by the Students themselves Permission is given at the discretion of the Superintendent to Third Year Students'to bring in work of their own but it must be executed under the direction and according to the plans of the Superintendent At the termination of the year Prize is given in each year for general merit in the work done in the Shop within the preceding Academical year and for the result of an ν
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