Calendar: 1890-1891 Page 182
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Page content
178 engineering Building Materials their structure and manufacture Bricks Terra-Cotta Tiles Pipes Tile-pavings Mosaic &C in their several varieties Timber hard and soft Wood In its numerous varieties used for building purposes Second Year Michaelmas Term Architecture to the fourteenth Cen- tury Its rise and development and characteristic points Elementary Construction including Masonry and use of Concrete both in foundations and buildings Timber fram- ing centering Simple roofs in wood and iron &c &c Lent Term Sanitary science Plumbing Principles of Drainage and Water Supply Drainage to House and Land Ventilation Heating &c &c Building Materials The various uses of timber its decay and preservation The manufacture of Iron for buildin purposes and its several adaptabilities Cast Malleable Rolled &c The decay and preservation of Iron Easter Term Advanced Construction Artificial found- ations Mechanics of Earthwork of Walls Fireproof Construction in its numerous forms and varieties from its introduction to the present day Architecture from the fourteenth to the seventeenth Century Its principal characteristics mouldings ornament &c &c Third Year Michaelmas Term Advanced Construction Iron Con- struction in Girders Cast Rolled and Rivetted In Trusses Roofs &c Timber framing of Domed Roofs &c Hammer Beam and other varieties of Trusses Strength and Weight of Materials Walls Concrete Wood Iron &c in Compression Tension and Cross-Strain Their determination by formula3 and Graphic Methods
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