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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1890-1891-125

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GENERAL L1TERATURF III These Scholarships are open to all Matriculated tudents of King's College not being Associates and not belonging to the Theological Department who shall have ompleted three Terms and not exceeded nine Terms at the late of competition and to all Pupils who shall have been at east one year in the School provided they shall up to the ime of competition have duly conformed to and observed ill the Rules and Regulations relating to Matriculated Stu- ients or Pupils of the School Students of the Evening lass Department are subject to special conditions for which sec Evening Class Department Section XIV IV The examination is held in the Easter Term of each year No one mav be elected to either of these Scholar- ships more than once but both of them may be held together by the same Student and are tenable with any other King'3 College Scholarship VI The payments will be made in three Terminal instal- ments at the end of each Term beginning with the Michael- mas Term after the Election provided that the Scholar shall have either become an Associate of King's College London or shall during the preceding Term have attendedlectures as Matriculated Student of the College or as Pupil of the School or shall be in residence as Matriculated Student at the University of Oxford Cambridge or Durham In the last case certificate of residence and good conduct will be required each Term from the Dean or Tutor VII The next examination for the Literature Scholarship will take place on Thursday April 16 1891 and for the History Scholarship on Friday April 17 The names of all Candidates must be sent in writing ×™ to the Secretary and the fees for the Easter Term paid before two o'clock on Saturday April 11 after which hour no name will be received
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