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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1889-1890-829

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Page content

INIXEX 185 page Ecclesiastical History- Lectures 67 Fees 83 Hours of Attendance 84 Emeritus Professor- Holders of Title 25 Endowments List of Appendix Engineering Department- Objects 170 Professors'Names 171 Syllabus of Lectures 172 Regulations 201 Athletic Club 204 Fees 204 Hours of Attendance 207 Exhibitions 209 Prizes and Certificates 215 Associateship Rules for the 218 Engineering Society 220 Museum of George III 221 Prizemen 221 Names of Students 231 Engineering Society 220 Eng Lang &Lit MorningClass- Lectures 109 Fees 120 Hours of Attendance 121 Eng Lang Lit EveningClass- Lectures 402 Fees 431 Hours of Attendance 434 Evening Classes- General Arrangements 389 Names of Lecturers 390 Special Instruction 392 Syllabus of Lectures 392 Regulations for admission Fees Hours of Attendance 434 Athletic Club 435 Summer Course 435 Science Scholarships 441 Annual Prizes 444 Cass Prizes 448 Scholarships andopen Prizes 450 Associateship 451 Groups of Subjects 453 Schedules of Attendance 456 Privileges of Associates 456 Theological Classes 458 Workshop Classes 460 Names of Prizemen 464 Summer Certificates 478 Names of Students 481 Examination Papers Appei dix page Exegesis of Old Testament- Lectures 67 Fees 83 Hours of Attendance 84 Exegesis of New Testament- Lectures 67 Fees 83 Hours of Attendance 84 Exhibitions- On Entrance Eng Dep 209 Sambrooke 86 129 212 288 531 Cloth workers 166 210 41 Salters' 532 Skinners' 534 Freake 535 School Entrance 536 Exp Physics Ev Class- Lectures 403 Fees 431 Hours of Attendance 434 Fees- Theological Department 82 General Literature Depart 119 Science Department 161 Engineering Department 204 Medical Department 264 Evening Classes 431 The School 522 Fellows 576 Fine Art Morning Class- Lectures 193 Fees 204 Prizes 1889 207 Fine Art Evening Class- Lectures 405 Prizes 406 Fees 431 Hours 434 Forensic Medicine- Lectures 244 Fees 263 Hoursof Attendance 264 Forest Scholarships- Regulations 529 Endowment Appendix Freake Exhibitions 535 French Morning Class- Lectures 110 Fees 120 Hours of Attendance 121 French Evening Class- Lectures 407 408 Fee 431 Hours of Attendance 434
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