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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1889-1890-827

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Page content

183 INDEX page Accident Dresser- Duties 314 Act of Parliament Appendix Agriculture- Lectures 392 Fees 431 Hours 434 Anatomy- Lectures 237 Fees 263 Hours of Attendance 264 Ancient History Lectures 108 303 Fees 431 Hours 121 434 Applied Sciences Department See Engineering Department Arithmetic Evening Class Lectures 393 Fees 431 Hours of Attendance 434 Assistant House Physicians- Regulations 310 Names of 326 Assistant House Accoucheur- Regulations 312 Names of 326 Associates- Privileges of 85 117 167 218 267 456 Names of 614 A3sociateship Rules for the Theological Department S5 Dep of Gen Lit 117 Dep of Science 167 Dep of Engineering 218 Medical Department 267 Evening Classes 451 Athletic Cluh- Rules 85 118 161 204 260 435 523 Auditors 20 page Aural Dressers 315 Aural Surgery- Hours 265 Bacteriology- Laboratory 252 Barrv Prize- Regulatns 94 136 151 216 276 447 535 Endowment Appendix Benefactions List 01 Appendix Bequest Form of Appendix Books Use of in the School 624 Botany Science and Med Dep Lectures 155 244 Fees 162 263 Hours of Attendance 163 264 Botany Evening Class- Lectures 394 Fees 431 Hours of Attendance Boxes for Books Gowns &c 674 Brewer Prize- Regulations 134 Endowment Appendix Building Construction and Archt Lectures 179 Fees 206 Hours 01 Attendance 207 Bye-Laws Appendix Calendar for 1889-90 Ā£ Candidates for admission Then- logical Department 73 97 458 Carter Prizes- Rules 133 276 Endowment Appendix Chemical Laboratory Details 252 Fees 265 Chemistry ci and Eng Dep Lectures 152 187 Fees 162 204 Hours of Attendance 163 206
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