Calendar: 1889-1890 Page 805
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CLOTHWORKERS' AND SAMBRCOKE EXHIBITIONS 161 Under what conditions is the existence of springs and wells possible Give brief description of the terms Breccia Quartzite Marl and Shale Mention the lithological characteristics of Firestone Millstone Grit and Chalk Describe very briefly the chief facts relating to the British Tertiary deposits What is Trilobite and to what geological era does it belong 10 Mention some of the fossils to be fouud in the Oolites Describe the principal varieties of Quartz Give short account of Graphite Name the more important Zeolites Point out the differences between Hornblende and Augite What are the chief facts concerning Calcite Refer to Limonite Melacolite and Melachite Explain the significance of the expression hemi- hedral crystal Mention the standards employed for the purpose of determining the hardness of mineral Are fracture and cleavage equivalent terms 10 Illustrate by drawings the cubical and pyramidal systems
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