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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1889-1890-803

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clothworkers and sambrooke exhibitions 159 16 wire ft long is stretched by load of 54 lbs and having been secured at the two ends is made to vibrate transversely the number of vibrations per second is found to be 256 the load on the wire is then reduced to 16 lbs and the length of the wire which vibrates is reduced to ft what will now be the number of vibrations per second and what will be the lengths of the sound waves in the two cases vl -Cijnntetrp piece of phosphorus is burnt in globe filled with oxygen and standing over water There is an insufficient amount of oxygen to consume the whole of the phosphorus State what substances will be produced Give equations illustrating the action of nitric acid on the following bodies H2S Cu CuO As203 and FeS04 Describe experiments which will illustrate the oxidation of ammonia into H20 and into H20 and HN02 How many litres of oxygen measured at 15 and 730 mm Bar will be required to completely burn grams of defiant gas To what class of compounds in solution is the hardness of water due Distinguish between temporary and permanent hardness What are the common impurities in atmospheric air Describe some experiments for proving the presence of these impurities in the air C02 and N02 are passed into separate solutions of caustic potash KHO Illustrate by equations the reactions which take place in each case Describe the methods for preparing each of the following compounds Hg2012 calomel K2Cr207 bichromate of potas- sium KA1 S04 12 Aq alum and SnCl2 stannous chloride
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