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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1889-1890-799

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clothworkers and samrrooke exhibitions 155 the nominative plural of ker-SSoli-3 $-6cfyulb Decline in both numbers ber neue 2ftantet-bie rotfye 3R0fe-ba3 fyofye au Decline in the singular and plural the pronouns btefer jene bagfelfce and toer and tt a3 in the singular only Conjugate gefragt toerben in the present im- perfect and perfect indicative Give the first person singular of the imperfect indicative aDd the past participle of getoinnen- ratten-fcfyeinen-lefen-tyinnen-toinben BfhihitiM II III -Algebra Euclid Trigonometry and Arithmetic See the papers in these subjects set for the Warneford Scholar- ships pp 149-152 IV -SSLtcianicfS 11 from the top of after with what velocity must the second be thrown that both may reach the same and second be the units of space and time what is the density of distilled water and how would you define the unit of density Ε
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