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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1889-1890-785

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 139 Show by examples the differences between resins gum- resins oleo-resins and balsamic-resins Give the composition of the following liquor arsenicalis -mistura ferri composita-pulvis jalapse compositus-pulvis rhei compositus-mistura scanimonii JUNIOR SCHOLARSHIPS -Hnatomi With what bones does the the trapezium articulate Describe the articulation between this bone and the thumb- metacarpal and the movements permitted at this articulation Describe the cuboid bone Describe the vomer Enumerate the muscles attached to the sternum and indicate the position of the pleura to this bone Give the attachments and actions of the following muscles Peroneus tertius Adductor pollicis manus Vastus externus Transversalis abdominis Quadratus lumborum II -$ מ010$'&ט Describe the histological chemical and physical pro- perties of the blood corpuscles and give brief account of their physiological functions Describe the several steps in the digestive changes undergone by the various constituents of bread and butter preparatory to their absorption Give short account of the mechanism of the left side of the heart Explain how its action causes the motion of the blood in capillaries and veins
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