Calendar: 1889-1890 Page 772
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126 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT What are the main points to be observed in effectually sewering town State the chief considerations which govern the means of disposing of the sewage of town Illustrate by sketches how to prevent slips in railway cuttings and how to provide for the drainage of the line Make sketches of good forms of groynes and protective works for the toe of clay cliff exposed to tbe action of the sea 2$ φ Xs Uk fanfi Describe some of the main considerations which govern the cross section of tunnel 10 design previously prepared for wrought iron biidge- VIII urbeptng THIRD YEAR road with rising gradient of in 300 has to be raised feet in distance of 70 chains What is the altered gradient Describe the surveying instruments that are based on the principle of the Stadium What are the uses of the Aneroid and the Hypso- meter in surveying Explain in detail the way to determfne the velocities and directions of currents and to record the results Describe the special precautions to be taken in setting out tunnel Shew by sketches how weirs for gauging streams ought to be made to obtain correct results How are side widths set out on sloping ground Sketch the Box Sextant and the Sextant and explain their uses In selecting the route for line of railway describe the chief points to be observed in the field 10 State the way in which curves are set out trigono- metrically previously prepared
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