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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1889-1890-725

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general literature department 79 strum omen auspicium To what event may the omen be referred Derive and explain Trinacrii Transcribant urbi matres populumque volentem Deponunt animos nil magna3 laudis egentes Ipsi transtra novant flammisque ambesa reponunt Robora navigiis aptant remosque rudentesque Exigui numero sed bello vivida virtus Interea iEneas urbem designat aratro Sortiturque domos hoc Ilium et hsec loca Trojam Esse jubet Gaudet regno Trojanus Acestes Indicitque forum et patribus dat jura vocatis Turn vicina astris Erycino in vertice sedes Fundatur Veneri Idaliae tumuloque sacerdos Ac lucus late sacer additur Anchiseo What historical city is here meant How was Sicily con- nected with the legend of iEneas Where was Eryx and why is Venus called Tdalian מ Translate into Latin He lived thirty years at Rome and died an old man When eighteen years old he came with his father to Athens for the sake of learning Do not attempt greater things it is better to do well that which is least The rich master is loved by all his slaves The camp of the enemy is taken two thousand men are slain none are spared -Shibenai £c ttre$ IIL XL Horace £ptetlc£ Translate Ebrius ac petulans qui nullum forte cecidit Dat poenas noctem patitur lugentis amicum Pelidae cubat in faciem mox deinde supinus Ergo non aliter poterit dormire Quibusdam Somnum rixa facit sed quamvis improbras annis Atque mero fervens cavet hunc quem coccina laena
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