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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1889-1890-722

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76 GENERAL LITERATURE DEPARTMENT nuper Pythagoras quosque ante Nabis abduxerat redierant qui post compertam Pythagora coniurationem et caede iam coepta effugerant libertatem ex longo intervallo libertatis- que auctores Romanos quibus causa bellandi cum tyranno ipsi fuissent cernebant At Pallas magnis emittit viribus hastam Vaginaque cava fulgentem deripit ensem Ilia volans humeri surgunt qua tegmina sutoma Incidit atque viam clipei molita per orae Tandem etiam magno strinxit de corpore Turni Hie Turnus ferro praefixum robur acuto In Pallanta diu librans iacit atque ita fatur Aspice num mage sit nostrum penetrabile telurn Dixerat at clipeum tot ferri terga tot aeris Quern pellis totiens obeat circumdata tauri Vibnmti medium cuspis transverberat ictu Loricaeque moras et pectus perforat ingens Hie rapit calidum frustra de volnere telum Una eademque via sanguis animusque sequuntur Corruit in volnus sonitum super anna dedere Et terram hostilem moriens petit ore cruento Aemilius called council next day and asked their opinion how he ought to act if Antiochus would not give him an opportunity of engaging For the winter was at hand and he must either keep the soldiers in camp7 or if they chose to retire to winter quarters defer the war until summer The whole assembly therefore exhorted him to lead on immediately and make use of the present ardour of the troops who were ready to force their way through trenches and ramparts into the camp if the enemy would not come out to battle Domitius was then sent to discover the nature of the ground and on what side they could m06t easily approach the enemy rampart On his returning with full account of every particular it was resolved that the camp should next day be moved nearer to the enemy On the third day the standards were carried forward into the middle of the plain and the troops began to form their line
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