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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1889-1890-721

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GENERAL LITERATURE DEPARTMENT 75 And was led by the Spirit in the wilderness during forty days Thou shalt catch men And lend never despairing Himself built us our synagogue Who digged and went deep Explain with references to the original Greek sword shall pierce through thy own soul also δ Sitting in the midst of the doctors Neither accuse any falsely When he had opened the book β That they might cast him down headlong On the second sabbath after the first Continued all night in pra3Ter to God And when the Lord saw her He had compassion on her III -itattn ntfeen CranSlatton anii Composition י Translate His comminationibus compulsus tyrannus Pythagoram rursus oratorem misit quern Quinctius primo aspernatus excedere castris iussit dein suppliciter orantem advolutumque genibus tandem audivit Prima oratio fuit omnia permittentis arbitrio Romanorum dein cum ea velut vana et sine effectu nihil proficeret eo deducta est res ut iis condicionibus quae ex scripto paucis ante diebus editae erant indutiae fierent pocuniaque et obsides accepti Dum oppugnatur tyrannus Argivi aliis super alios nuntiantibus tantum non iam captam Lacedaernonem esse erecti et ipsi simul eo quod Pythagoras cum parte validissima praesidii excesserat contempta pauci- tate eorum qui in arce erant duce Archippo quodam praesidium expulerunt Laeta civitas nobile ludicrum Ne- meorum die stata propter belli mala praetermissum in adventum Romani exercitus ducisque indixerunt praefece- runtque ludis ipsum imperatorem Multa erant quae gaudi- um cumularent Reducti cives ab Lacedaemone erant quos ζ ζ
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