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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1889-1890-717

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trench prize 71 III -Cfte Gospel attorttitig to &t afojn Write brief introduction to this Gospel showing how it fulfilled its author's design and refuting the objections that have been raised to its genuineness Give full account of the Logos-doctrine as taught by St John trace its history and show how it pointed on towards the full teaching of the Church in her creeds Why did the Jews ask our Lord "Art thou Elias מ And what was the meaning of His reply Explain -My hour is not yet come-Ye must be bom again-Four months and then cometh harvest-My Fathei worketh hitherto and work-There is another who beareth witness of me-Out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water-Before Abraham was am-Against the day of my burying she hath kept this-He that delivered me unto thee hath the greater sin-He will reprove the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgment-What is truth Discuss the question of our Lord's behaviour with regard to the Sabbath-day Comment on the various readings in the following passages -The only-begotten Son he hath declared him- -After these things there was feast of the Jews-An angel went down at certain season into the pool and troubled the water And determine the critical questions that arise on the narrative of The woman taken in adultery Paraphrase the whole of our Lord's Discourse at Capernaum on the manna Render into Greek -And Jesus said Arise take up thy bed and walk-The Jews had agreed that if any one should confess him as Christ he should be put out of the
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