Calendar: 1889-1890 Page 696
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50 REPORT and glass-topped drawers so that students can see them at any time During the year several valuable additions have been made to the collections in the Museum either by purchase or gifts The following names have been added to the list of Fellows of the College since the last Report Rev John Twentymanj For twenty-two years Vice-Master of King's College School Robert Liveing Camb Formerly Student Physician of Middlesex Hospital John Shiress Will Formerly Student William Rose Formerly Student and now Professor of Surgery Edgar Marsh Crookshank Formerly Student and now Professor of Bacteriology Rev Blomfield Jackson Formerly Pupil and afterwards an Assistant Master for twenty-three years Among the members of the Academical Staff the Council have to record with great regret the death of Dr Monk who had been Lecturer and Professor of Music for forty years He had done no slight service to the Church of England as Musical Editor of Hymns Ancient and Modern and the College owes him great debt of gratitude for the honour his public services conferred upon it and for his devoted labours In Professor De La Motte the College has also lost an able artist and teacher who had led the way in several branches of modern artistic study and who had had the honour of giving instruc- tion to the children of the Prince of Wales In Professor Leone Levi the College has lost man of high distinction who had rendered great public services in various developments of modern commercial life particularly in the establishment of Chambers of Commerce and who generously served the College for thirty-three years In their own body the Council deeply lament the loss of Mr Bazalgette who died at an advanced age last July His great experience as lawyer and his kindly wisdom were of the highest value to the College on many important occa- sions and in the constant work of the Council They greatly
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