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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1889-1890-66

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64 general rules signature to the Principal As irregularity is generally in- jurious both to the individual Student and to the College system it is requested that these exemptions may not be asked for without urgent cause absence from college Subject to the provision of Rule absence of Student from Lectures is not allowed without picvicus permission from the Principal except in the case of illness or sudden emergency If Student is unavoidably absent without such permission from either of these causes it is especially required that immediate notice be sent by post addressed to the Secretary by the Student's Parent or Guardian if he be residing at home or if he be residing with one of the Professors by the Professor with whom he resides If Student be absent from the College without per- mission from the Principal or without notice being sent to the Secretary letter is addressed to the parent or guardian notifying the fact intermission of attendance If Matriculated Student after being absent for Term or Session shall desire to resume his attendance the Principal will require such certificates of good conduct as may be satis factory to him before permitting such attendance SCHOLARSHIPS &c Matriculated Student being absent from the College for any Term or Session and being permitted to resume his attendance cannot be allowed to count the Terms or Sessions which he has already kept towards the number necessary for any Prize or Scholarship or for the Associateship unless he notifies his absence with the causes thereof to the Principal either beforehand or at latest at the beginning of the Term or Session in which he is intending to be absent and obtains his sanction to such absence in writing
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