Calendar: 1889-1890 Page 541
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fl יו יז י ε THE SCHOOL 541 These Prizes cannot be gained by any boy during his first Term or more than once Certificates of having obtained Prize in King's College School made out under the signature of the Head-Master and Secretary may be obtained by application at the College Office Fee 2s fid for each Certificate ii GREEK AND LATIN COMPOSITION Latin Prose One Prize open to the ץ Classical Division Greek Prose One Prize open to the Classical Division Latin and Greek Verse One Prize open to the Classical Division These Prizes are awarded to the boys who obtain the highest number of marks in each kind of Composition during the Michaelmas Lent and Easter Terms and iu the "Forest" Scholarship Examination Given by the Council English Essa One Prize III ENGLISH One Prize open to -rr all Forms G1ven by Professor Hales One Prize open to all ץ Forms below Lower Glve hJ be Km 0wlleSe Sixth ί School Club These Prizes will be awarded for the best Essays at the 11 Midsummer Examination Early English Given by the Early English Text Society
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