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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1889-1890-438

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436 EVENING CLASSES MENTAL AND MORAL SCIENCE Edgeworth The subjects of this course of lectures will bp those prescribed for the London University Examination in Mental and Moral Science Under the first of those headings it is proposed to consider the following topics The Character and Peculiar Difficulties of Psychological Science the Ultimate Elements the most General Laws of Mind the Association of Ideas Definition and Des- cription of Emotions Germs and Growth of the Will Sensation and Percep- tion In connection with this portion of the course students are advised to read Sully's Outlines of Psychology and part of Bain's Mental and Moral Science Under the heading of Moral Science it is proposed to give an historical sketch of ethical systems Prof Sidgwick's History of Ethics is recommended as guide on this subject In conclusion it will be attempted to discuss briefly the leading questions which are propounded in Prof Sidgwick's Methods of Ethics Lecture from 30 to GREEK- Class -Xenophon Hellenics Sub-ן ject for the University of Lon- donMatriculationExamination Professor Warr June 1890 Greek Composition Class II Accidence with Exercises -x Ane's Elementary Grammar Peter Schlemiehl Clarendon Press Ane's Elementary Grammar Niebuhr's Heroen Gesehichten Clarendon Press German type John Lamb Lectures from 30 to GERMAN Class -Reading of Modern German Works -General recapitulation of Acci- dence -Syntax -C01uposition and Buchheim Ph Dictation -Commercial Idioms and ί Mercantile German Correspondence optional Prize will be awarded by the Professor for the best original Composition in German Special attention will be paid in this Class to students preparing for any of the Examinations conducted by the University of London the Civil Service Commissioners as well as to those who wish to qualify for the post of Foreign Correspondents Class II -Accidence with Exercises -Reading Clarendon Press Edition of Nie- buhr's Heroen-Geschichten Edition in German Type Schiller's Wilhelm Tell School Edition Clarendon Press Lectures from 30 to
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