Calendar: 1889-1890 Page 416
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414 EVENING CLASSES Both the Professor and his Assistant will receive the written work of the students in the Advanced Classes and return it corrected explaining the corrections partly in niar- ginal notes and partly orally at the Class Class will chiefly be destined for Students desirous of obtaining scholarly knowledge of German Special assistance and advice will be given in this Class to those who may be desirous of preparing for the Matricu- lation or Degree Examinations in the University of London the India or Home Civil Service Class &c and also to those Students who may wish to qualify themselves as teachers of German Classes II and III will chiefly be adapted for those stu- dents who may wish to qualify themselves as Foreign Correspondents and who are desirous of preparing for the Commercial Examinations carried on by the Oxford and Cam- ל- bridge Examination Board or by the Society of Arts -One of the chief obstacles for English clerks in qualifying themselves as foreign correspondents consists in their difficulty of making themselves practically acquainted with the various modes of German handwriting and in order to obviate that difficulty Professor Buchheim will be happy to place at the disposal of the students for temporary use facsimile German commercial letters which have been used in the transaction of business Division II -Lecturer Reinicke Monday and Thursday Class Elements of Grammar and Exercises Aue Elementary German Grammar The Clarendon Press Edition of Chamisso'R Peter Schlemiehl Class to Aue's Elementary German Grammar The Clarendon Press Edition of Niebuhr's Heroen-Geschichten Edition in German type -This Class is intended for Beginners
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