Calendar: 1889-1890 Page 412
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410 EVENING CLASSES 20 COMMERCIAL GEOGRAPHY Thursdays to First Course -Commercial Geography of ritain This subject will be treated under the divisions Food produce-mineral produce and metal trades-chemical in- dustries-textile and clothing industries-timber and building industries-distribute and carrying trades Among other subjects it will embrace Commercial Geography in relation to -Import of nitrate of soda and other manures and their use in British agriculture British corn quantity kinds conditions and area of produce Foreign grain and flour sources supply Imports of rice maize and nitrogenous foods their relative feeding- power for men and animals The potato and green crops home growth and imports Imported foods for animals Imports of manufactured vege- table foods British fruit The foreign fruit trade Tea its sources conditions of produce and impor- tation Coffee and cocoa growth distribution and conditions of consumption Foreign wines where and how made and conditions and amount of con- sumption in Britain British spirits where and how made foreign demand Manufacture and import of foreign spirits Sources and amount of imported milk butter and cheese Flesh foods pro- duced in Britain and imported from Colonies Europe and other foreign countries The British and foreign fish trades Sources of medicinal sub- stances &c &c II Coal properties produce home consumption export and distribution Comparison of British and foreign sources and supply of the ores of metals Ports for metals and smelting and refining industries The iron and steel trades their geographical conditions Centres and produce of the machinery trades
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