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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1889-1890-410

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406 EVENING CLASSES There are Scholarships offered to Apprentices and Younn Men engaged in Artistic Trades and Manufactures Candi- dates must apply to the Professor showing some example of their drawing not later than first week in term Prizes The following Prizes are offered in the ensuing year By the Clothworkers' Company £ For the best Design for Curtains For second best Design for Curtains For the best Designs for Borders in Colours suitable far Curtains No Prizeman of former year can gain the same or lower Prize in subsequent year By the Council op King's College Prizes of Books For the best Study from the Life For the best set of Drawings from the Antique painting from Still Life and either drawing or painting of the head from Life By Messrs Winsor and Newton For the best Study in Oils from the Antique Box of Oil Colours Value £2 2s For the best Study in Water-Colours from Nature Box of Water Colours Value £2 2s By the Professor of Fine Arts Prizes of Books For best set of Three Drawings from Life For second best set of Three Drawings from Life
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