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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1889-1890-409

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EVENING CLASSES 405 XL-Transformations of Eadiations Phosphorescence Change produced by Heat Fluorescence Chemical Effects of Light Photography XII -Interference of Light Colours of Thin Films Newton's Rings Diffraction Diffraction Spectra XIII -Polarization of Light by Reflection by Refraction and by passing through Crystals Norremberg's Apparatus XIV -Double Refraction by Iceland Spar and other Crystals Rotation of Polarized Light The Saccharimeter Circular Polarization FresnePs Rhomb XV -Effects of Heat Pressure and Magnetism in Changing the Plane of Polarization Interference of Polarized Light 16 FINE ART Days and Hour of Attendance-Tuesday and Thursday Evenings from to Drawing -Freehand and Model Drawing-Shading from the Ornamental Cast-Study of the Antique-Designing &c Painting -Monochrome from the Cast-Still Life in Oil and Water Colours Life Class -Drawing and Painting from the Life-Figure and Costume Models The Anatomical Museum is open daily from 10 to to Art Students and on Tuesday evenings from to 30 Seymour Lucas Esq has consented to act as Visitor and Examiner
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