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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1889-1890-406

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402 EVENING CLASSES Joints-Angle Irons-Bolts Studs and Set Screws their forms and proportions-Pins Keys Cotters Pipes and Cylinders-Shafting-Simple Forms of Coupling-Pedestal -Links and Connecting Rods-Pistons and Stuffing-boxes- Valves-Spur Bevel Drum Cam Wheels-Drawing to Scale from models and from actual machines 12 ENGLISH LANGUAGE GRAMMAR AND COMPOSITION Days and Hour of Attendance-Tuesday and Friday from ίο Subjects will be English Composition Indexing or Docketing Precis Dictation or Orthography Grammar Analysis Parsing These almost universal subjects apply to the following Examinations Home Civil Class India Civil Eastern Cadetships Preliminary Law Civil Service Lower Division Excise and Customs Control Preliminary Medical College of Preceptors Veterinary College Cooper's Hill Student Interpreterships Admiralty Engineer Students London Matriculation and others 13 ENGLISH LITERATURE Days and Hour of Attendance-Tuesday and Friday from toS The History of the English Language and Literature particularly the Drama This course will be useful to Candidates for Home Civil Class India Civil London Intermediate London as well as to Students generally Particular attention will be paid to Marlowe Shakespere Ben Jonson Dryden Congreve Addison Sheridan Byron Shelley Lytton Tennyson work of some great author will be read with the Class In addition to the usual College Prize prize is offered to Members of this Class by the Early English Text Society
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