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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1889-1890-399

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evening classes 395 Thome's Structural and Physiological Botany Translated by Bennett Prantl and Vines' Text-book of Botany Advanced -Sachs' Lectures on Physiology of Plants Vines' Lectures on Physiology of Plants De Barry's Comparative Anatomy of Phanerogams and Ferns Goebel's Outlines of Classification and Special Morphology Bentley's Manual of Botany CHEMISTRY Days and Hour of Attendance-Monday and Thursday from to During the Winter Session from October to March lectures illustrated by experiments will be given twice week on the Non-Metallic Elements to meet the requirements of the Matriculation-1st Sc and Prelim Sc at the University of London This course will be continued during the Summer Session from April to July when lectures will be delivered once week on the Chemistry of the Metallic Elements Syllabus Definitions -Matter and Force-Physical and Chemical changes-Temperature and Pressure-Effect of Temperature and Pressure upon Gases Liquids and Solids-Uses of Ther- mometer and Barometer Elements -Metallic and Non-Metallic-Ch emical Com pounds-Mechanical Mixtures-Atomic and Equivalent weights-Atomicity-Use of Symbols Classification of Compounds-Acids Bases and Salts The preparation natural distribution properties and practical applications of the following elements and compounds Hydrogen -Manipulation with Gases-Gaseous Diffu- sion-Decomposition of Water and Acids by Metals-Electro lysis of Water-Reducing Action-Synthesis of Water-
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