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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1889-1890-398

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394 EVENING CLASSES and the more difficult problems to be found in the Universit and other high-class Examinations In general the attention of each Student is directed first of all to that part of Arith- metic in which he feels his knowledge to be deficient In Book-keeping every Student is taught the principles of Double Entry and their practical application in keeping the books of mercantile manufacturing and other business houses in drawing the balance-sheets of public companies banks and railways as well as in working examination papers such as are given for the Government Service Bankers' Institute &c The instruction in tnis Class is for the purpose of acquiring thorough knowledge of the theory of Book-keeping for the purposes of examination and of the practice for the every-day requirements of commercial life Text-books Brooksmith's "Arithmetic and Hunters Book-keeping by Double Entry STRUCTURAL MORPHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIO- LOGICAL BOTANY Day and Hour of Attendance-Monday from to These lectures will embrace vegetable morphology histology and physiology as required for degrees of the University of London and will be illustrated by fresh and dried plants microscopic specimens experiments and diagrams They are specially adapted to the requirements of Candidates for the Preliminary Sc and Intermediate Sc Examination of the University of London After attending these lectures students are advised to pursue practical course during the Summer Session See Practical Biology Vegetable page 437 For particulars of Carter prizes see page 276 BOOKS RECOMMENDED Elementary -Bentley's Students' Guide to Structural Morphological and Physiological Botany
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