Calendar: 1889-1890 Page 273
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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 271 alue of ten pounds and books of the value of fifteen pounds he second consisting of medal of the value of five pounds nd books of the value of ten pounds The Candidates for these Prizes are examined in-1 Two of he branches of Medical Science taught in the College to be selected by the Candidates The Holy Scriptures But- ler's Analogy want of sufficient knowledge in the Medical part will disqualify for examination in the Theological All Candidates for either of these Prizes must produce Certificates of good conduct of regular attendance on the Divinity Lectures and Certificates of having passed two of the Terminal Examinations mentioned at page 236 Clause No one can be Candidate who has exceeded his fourth year of attendance at the Medical Lectures of the College and no Student who has obtained the first Prize in one year an be Candidate in any subsequent year The next Examination will be held on Friday and Saturday Oct and 1889 The names of all Candidates must be sent in writing to he Dean of the Medical Department before two o'clock on Wednesday October after which hour no name will be received The subjects for the Divinity part of this Examination in 1889 will be On Friday The Books of Samuel Kings and Chronicles The Gospels of St Matthew St Mark and St Luke On Saturday Butler's Analogy Part II The subjects for the Divinity part of this Examination in 1890 will be Isaiah The Gospel of St John Butler's Analogy Introduction and Part
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