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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1889-1890-272

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270 medical department Kidger Alfred Armitage 186S Rat Joseph Nama 1570 Duncan Andrew Hartridge Gustavus 1571 Soutter Mansfield Colier Batterburv George Henrv 1872 Moore George Edward 1874 Tirard Nestor Isidore Charles 1870 Clarke Thomas Furze Willcocks Frederick 1876 Blomfield Arthur George ן Snell Edward Arthur 1879 Kealy John William Emerson Peter Henry 1880 Dent Herbert Crowley Boobbyer Philip 1881 Johnson Obadiah 1882 James Henry Daniel Dimmock Augustus Frederick 1883 Carless Albert Stephens Richard John 1884 Penny Jeremiah Nash Charles 1885 Beach Thomas Boswall Longmore Thomas William 1886 Cargill Lionel Vernon Gunn Frank Walter 1887 Adams William Francis Storrs William Henry 1888 Lack Harry Lambert These Prizes were founded by the Rev Dr AVarneford fo the encouragement of the studv of Theoloirv amon th Matriculated Medical Students of King's College There are two Prizes the first consisting of medal oftl
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