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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1889-1890-268

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266 medical department Clinical Instruction is also given daily in the Out-patient Department of the Hospital by the Physicians and Surgeons and special demonstrations in Operation Surgery Minor Surgery and Surgical Pathology are given by the Out-patient Surgeon and Assistant Surgeons Clinical Instruction in the Diseases of Women and Children is given by the Physician Accoucheur and the Assistant Physician Accoucheur large number of labours are attended annually by the Students under the superinten- dence of the Physicians of the Obstetric Department Special Ward is appropriated to the reception of Children Practical Instruction in Dental Surgery is given twice week bv the Dental Surgeon and Clinical Lectures on Dental Surgery are delivered in the Hospital during the Winter Session Clinical Instruction in Diseases of the Eye and OphtLal- moscopic Demonstrations are given in the Wards and in the Out-Patient Department of the Hospital by the Ophthalmic Surgeon Wards are specially appropriated to the reception of eye cases Clinical Lectures upon Ophthalmology are also given in the Theatre of the Hospital once week during the Winter Session Clinical Instruction in Diseases of the Throat and Laryngo- scopic Demonstrations are given every Friday at o'clock by Mr Barrow Skin Diseases -Clinical Instruction in these Diseases is given every Friday in the Out-Patient Department of the Hospital by Dr Duffin Demonstrations on Skin Diseases are also given by Dr Duffin Aural Surgery -Practical instruction is given in the Out- patient Department by Dr Pritchard on Thursdays at 30 and Lectures on Wednesdays at 30 from May to July Morbid Anatomy -Demonstrations and Practical Instruction in Morbid Anatomy are given by the Physicians Surgeons
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