Calendar: 1889-1890 Page 259
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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 257 PRIMARY EXAMINATION Classes will be held as follows Mon Tu Wed Thu Fri Anatomy Prof -J Curnow 2J-4 Demonst -A Kenny 2J-4 -- Physiology Prof-G Yeo Experimental ו 12-2 Physiology Demonst -C Martin Sc His-י 12-2 tology Herroun Physio- 12-2 logical Chemistry Comparative Anatomy Prof -J Jeffrey Bell 4-5 4-5 These classes are free to Matriculated Students of King's College Fees for occasional Students £15 15s REGULATIONS RESPECTING STUDENTS Students are received into this Department either as Matriculated Members of the College or as Occasional Students There is no examination for Matriculation Matriculated Students are those who receive their entire medical education at King's College and those who after having received portion of their medical edu- cation at other schools come to King's College to complete their studies See clause on the next page They alone can compete for the Warneford and Medical Scholarships for the Sambrooke Exhibitions and Registrarships for the Kabbeth Scholarship and for the Leathes Warneford Todd Jelf and Tanner Prizes
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