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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1889-1890-258

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256 medical department For occasional Students the Fee will be £31 10s TV reduction of 20 per cent is made in case of those joining these classes after having passed at least five Terms in King's College School Any one may join any of the separate Classes on payment of the Fees attached thereto See page 263 IX University of London INTERMEDIATE EXAMINATION Classes will be held as follows Anatomy Prof-J Curnow Demonst -A Kenny Physiology Prof -G Yeo Experimentalי Physiology 9-1- 01 Δ2 י ל Demonst -C Martin Sc His-ו tology Herroun Physio-ו logical Chemistry Organic Chemistry Prof -J Thomson in י winter Demonst -H Jackson inו summer Practical Chemistry Prof -J Thomson Demonst -G Johnson Jackson Materia Medica 12-2 101 ll1 10' 12 Prof -Ν Tirard 12-2 9-10 12-2 10 -Hi 10J-11J 104-12 9-10 3-4 104-12 9-10 2i-4 12-1 9-10 These Classes are free to Matriculated Students of King's College Fees for occasional students £26 5s for the complete course or excluding Practical Chemistry £21
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