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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1889-1890-185

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engineering 185 and Setting out Tunnels Gauging Streams Taking Sound- ings Measuring and Observing Currents Hydraulic Sur- veying Slopes and Slips Stadium Omnimeter Tacheo- meter Railways in England and abroad Passenger and Goods Main Lines double and single The arrangement of Passing Places Level Crossings Junctions Sidings Turnouts Cross- overs Stations and Goods Yards Steep Grade Railways Tramways Land Reclamation by embanking or warping up Foreshore protection Land draining Sewerage of Towns and Villages Sewage Outfalls Sewage disposal by irrigation by filtration and by precipitation Water supply of Towns and Villages Impounding Reservoirs Underground Water Springs Wells &c Arrangements of mains service pipes valves and hydrants Floods Prevention Improving navigable channels Training Walls Docks Harbours Piers The Students accompany the Professor to inspect various Works in course of execution in the Metropolis and thus obtain practical experience in Civil Engineering matters which have been the subject of instruction in the College Prizes and Certificates are given at the end of each Academical Year to the Students of each year who distinguish themselves both in Field work and at the Examinations The Course is suitable to the requirements of the Syllabus of Examination of the Surveyors' Institution Any Matriculated Student of this Department may be ad- mitted to these classes out of his proper Term on payment of Ā£2 2s per Term Drawing geometrical architectural and engineering First Year-Monday to and Thursday 15 to Second Year-Tuesday 15 to in the Michaelmas Term and 15 to in the Lent and Easter Terms Friday 15 to and to in the Michaelmas and Lent Terms and 15 to in the Easter Term
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