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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1889-1890-144

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t GENERAL LITERATURE defined by its Charter does not embrace the exercise of actual educational functions its governing body lias considered that the creation and development of an organisation for providing in the united Kingdom the important aid to the official and commercial sections of the community which is furnished to Continental nations by such establishments as above named might prove work of considerable utility There have existed at University College and at King's College since their foundation Professorships of certain Oriental languages the Indian School of University College on the one hand and the Oriental section of King's College on the other have accomplished useful work in the pre- paration of candidates for the Indian Civil Service and other Government departments by affording facilities for the study of some of the Eastern languages The committee of the Institute having met with cordial response from the councils of the two Colleges to proposal to consolidate the work of this nature now being performed there and to bring it into harmonious working with scheme for affording practical instruction in other important Oriental languages now desire to direct attention to the results of careful consideration of the whole subject by Special Committee appointed by them for that purpose which includes representatives of the Councils of University and King's Colleges and of which the following are the members Sir Frederick Abel Sa Chairman Col Sir Edward Bradford Sir Francis Dillon Bell MG Col Sir Charles Wilson Sir Thomas Wade Sir Philip Magnus Major Watson Sir George Young Bart LL Nominated by the Council Professor Henry Morley LL of University College The Rev Henry Wace Nominated by the Council Professor Douglas of King's College
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