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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1889-1890-118

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116 GENERAL LITERATURE Certificates of Merit -One Certificate to each of the Students next in succession who shall gain not less than three-fifths of the marks allotted to the subjects Prizes are for the most part reserved for Students in their final year but no Prize or Certificate is given except for absolute merit nor to any Student who has not entered at least upon his Second Term detailed Report is sent at the end of each term to the parents or guardians of each Student both as to his progress in particular studies and as to his general conduct during the Term י Occasional Students or those who being unable to attend the whole course are desirous of studying any par- ticular subject Every class is open to them on payment of the specified fees See page 120 Occasional Students are unable to compete for the ordi- nary prizes but may be recommended for special prize by the Professor The rule as to inability to compete for an ordinary prize will not apply to Matriculated Students of other Morning Departments attending Classes in this Department ί ι Any Occasional Student will be allowed to attend the lectures on Religious Instruction without fee on application to the Principal VI The fees of each Department are given under its separate heading but Matriculated Student of any Morning Department can attend any Class in another Morning Department on payment of half the specified fees VII limited number of Students are admitted to reside within the College see page 567 and some of the Staff as well as others connected with the College receive Students in their houses See page 572
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