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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1888-1889-99

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THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT 95 VI -The election of the Officers and the Committee shall be by balloting papers to be issued fourteen days before the Annual Meeting All nominations for office shall be sent in to he Secretary one month before the date of the Annual Meet- ing Each nomination shall bear the name' of the proposer and seconder they having previously obtained the consent of the Nominee and it shall be open to the Committee or to private members to propose names of Nominees eligible for office VII -All Members shall be invited to send ί ל subjects for discussion to be approved by the Committee and if on any occasion no suitable subject can be obtained the Committee shall be responsible for providing one VIII -The Annual Subscription shall be Half a-crown payable in advance at the date of the Annual Meeting Members to whom application has been made for their sub- scription shall if six months in arrears cease to he entitled to notice of the Society's meetings Any Member who has paid his annual subscription for two years consecutively shall be allowed to compound for all future payments by the payment of one guinea which shall constitute him life Member of the Society Any Member of the Society who has filled the office of Secretary for one year shall be entitled to the position of Life Members without the payment of the above composition IX -A General Meeting shall be held once during each term the Committee having power to arrange additional meetings at their discretion Each terminal meeting shall be followed when practicable by dinner in the College Hall and social gathering afterwards -A Conference with service in the Chapel shall be held annually
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