Calendar: 1888-1889 Page 87
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THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT 8-3 HOODS Under the special sauction dated March 26 1862 of the late Archbishop Sumner permission to wear distinctive Hood was given to Associates of this Department in Holy Orders Under the further sanction of the present Archbishop of Canterbury dated March 1885 this Hood is conformable to the general pattern approved for Theological Colleges by the Upper House of Convocation of the Province of Canterbury on February 15 1882 It is made of thick black poplin edged on the outside with quarter of an inch and on the inside with one inch of mauve silk XVI 6AMLR00KE EXHIBITIONS Exhibitions not exceeding Ā£20 year for one or two years and payable out of the interest arising from the Legacy bequeathed to the College by the late Thomas Godfrey Sam- brooke Esq are granted to Matriculated Students of the Theological Department whose circumstances are shown to the satisfaction of the Principal to place them in need of pecuniary assistance and whom the Principal shall from time to time select Applications stating all circumstances to be made to the Principal on forms supplied in the office xvir TRENCH GREEK TESTAMENT PRIZE The former Pupils and Friends of the late Right Reverend Richard Chenevix Trench having presented to the College the sum of 156 this sum has been invested in London and North Western Railway per cent Debenture Stock The interest is given annually in one Prize of Books The Prize is open to Matriculated Students of all Departments of the College who have been in attendance
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