Calendar: 1888-1889 Page 83
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THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT 79 C011 ege subscriptions and personal expenses from £5 to £10 term Thus from £33 to £40 represents the terminal expenditure of an ordinarily careful man At Bishop Hatfield Hall -Caution-money admission nd tuition fees are the same as at University College Terminal college account £16 Qs subscriptions £1 personal expenses £3 to £6 Thus careful man need not spend more than from £27 to £30 term Of Unattached Students -These students reside in licensed lodgings in the town and regulate their own expenses They pay to the University an admission fee of £2 and £5 10s terminally Scholarships -A Foundation Scholarship of £30 for one year open to students from this College is given at the October Entrance Examination and Gisborne" Scholarship of like value at the January Examination Particulars may be obtained from the Warden's Secretary North Bailey Durham For general information on all matters relating to the University life discipline lectures examinations &c see the Students' Guide to the University of Durham published at the Advertiser Office Durham price Is 6d XI FEES For Matriculated Students those attending the full prescribed Course CLASS ALL ASSOCIATES CLASS Morning Division £10 13 £lu 13 £12 15 per Term Evening Division per Term II The Matriculation Fees are £4 lbs 6d This sum is reduced to £2 14 6d in the case of those who have already Matriculated in the Evening Class Department III Each Student of this Department on entering hi second term contributes the sum of £1 lj towards the Domus'' funa 01 the College
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