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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1888-1889-814

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806 INDEX PAGE Rollit Trize Rules 522 Roman Law Evening Class Lectures 406 Fees 420 60 Rules for Students Salter's Exhibition Regulations 516 Sambrooke Registrarships Regulations 281 Names of Registrars 285 Endowment 653 Sambrooke Exhibitions Regulations 83 127 280 515 Endowment 651 ן Scholarships Endowed Worsley 122 Inglis 123 512 Warneford 270 Daniell 278 Rabbeth 279 Forest 513 Scholarships Unendowed Medical 285 School Mathematical 511 School King's College Masters' Names 495 General Arrangements Natural Science 496 499 Chemistry Workshop Gymnasium 500 Special Classes Rules as to Admission 502 General Rules 503 Dining Hall &c 505 506 506 Vacation Examinations Fees Athletic Club 507 Use of Books 508 Residence of Pupils 609 Regulations forenteringColl 509 Scholarships Exhibitions 511 Annual Prizes 523 Terminal Prizts 529 Rite of Confirmation 530 Old Boys' Club 530 Prizes to whom given 532 Names of Pupils 544 Schools in Union Regulations and Privileges 622 Prizemen Science Department of Professors' Names 145 Syllabus of Lectures 147 Regulations respecting Students 154 י pag Science Department of- continued ions 162 Prizes 162 Associateshjp 163 Athletic Club 157 Fees 157 Hours of Attendance 159 Science Scholarshipsand Exhibi- tions See Clothworkers' Co Science Union 164 Shorthand Even ng Class- Lectures 417 fr β Φ φ φ Ρ λ י Fees 419 Hours of Attendance 422 Siemens' Medal and Prize- Rules 208 Endowment 655 Skinners' Exhibition 518 Spanish Evening Class- Lectures 417 Fees 419 Hours of Attendance 422 Stephen Prize- Regulations 131 Endowment 652 Students' Boxes for Gowns &c 558 Students' Rooms 551 Surgery Lectures 235 Fees 256 Hours of Attendance 257 Surveying and Civil Engineering See Lard Surveying Tanner Prize- Regulations 268 Endowment 654 Tennant Prizes Regulations 209 Endowment 651 Theological Department- Professors' Names 64 Rules of Admission 65 Course of Study 67 Rules as to Graduates 69 Rules for Non-Graduates 70 Examinations Certificates 70 Books recommended 71 University of Durham 78 Fees 79 Time Table 81 Athletic Clut 82 Associateship 82
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