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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1888-1889-809

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INDEX 801 AGE Ecclesiastical History Lectures 64 Fees 80 Hours of Attendance 81 Emeritus Professor Holders of Title 25 Endowments 652 Engineering Department Objects 166 Professors'Names 166 Syllabus of Lectures 168 Regulations 196 Athletic Club 199 Fees 199 Hours of Attendance 202 Exhibitions 204 Prizes and Certificates 211 Associateship Rules for the 212 Engineering Society 214 Museum of George III 215 Prizemen 215 Names ofStudents 225 Engineering Society 214 Eng Lang &Lit MorningClass Lectures 104 Fees 114 Hours of Attendance 115 Eng Lang Lit EveningCIass Lectures Fees 390 420 Hours of Attendance 422 Evening Classes General Arrangements 377 Names of Lecturers 378 380 382 Special Instruction Syllabus of Lectures Regulations for admission Fees 419 Hours of Attendance 422 Athletic Club 423 Summer Course 423 Science Scholarships 429 Annual Prizes 432 Class Prizes 36 ScholarshipsandopenPrizes 438 Associateship 438 Schedules of Attendance 440 Privileges of Associates 441 Theological Classes 442 Workshop Classes 445 Names of Prizemen 448 Summer Certificates 462 Names of Students 465 Examination Papers Theological Department 701 Trench Prize 71 Dep of Gen Lit 718 Ε Examination Papers- continued Dep of Engineering 736 lnglis Scholarships 763 Warneford Scholarshipa 768 Cloth Workers' Exhibition 778 Medical Department 788 Carter Prize 795 Gilbart Prizes Exegesis of Old Testament- Lectures 64 Fees 80 Hours of Attendance hi Exegesis of New Testament- Lectures 64 Fees 80 Hours of Attendance 81 Exhibitions- On Entrance Eng Dep 204 Sambrooke 83 127 207 28J 513 Cloth workers 162 20j 269 429 Salters' 516 Freake 51s Skinners' 518 Exp Physics Ev Class Lectures 391 Fees 420 Hours of Attendance 422 Fees- Theological Department 79 General Literature Depart 113 Science Department 157 Engineering Department 199 Medical Department 256 Evening Classes 419 The School 506 Fellows 560 Fine Art Morning Class- Lectures 18S Fees 201 Prizes 18S9 394 Fine Art Evening Class Lectures 393 Prizes 394 Fees 420 Hours 422 Forensic Medicine Lectures 237 Fees 256 Hoursof Attendance 257 Forest Scholarships- Regulations 513 Endowment 651 Freake Exhibitions 518
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